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Evaluating Workplace Health Programs: From Research to Practice

Interest in workplace health programs (WHPs) has grown throughout the pandemic, as employers are looking for ways to better support their staff and retain a competitive edge during what’s become known as “the Great Resignation.” To help employers better understand the current landscape of WHPs, health and productivity research non-profit Integrated Benefits Institute conducted an analysis of WHP offerings and trends. The study found that 46% of worksites offer some type of health program to employees, and smaller worksites were less likely than larger ones to offer most programs.
The study analyzes data from the 2017 Workplace Health in America Survey collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One in four worksites offered some type of health promotion program (e.g., physical activity, weight management, tobacco use), followed by health screening programs (24%), and disease management programs (19%). Evaluation of the programs is critically important to their success, however, only 50% of worksites collect data to evaluate success, and half use data to decide which programs to offer.
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