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Health and Productivity Challenges for Lower-income Workers

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Impacts of Co-Workers’ Leaves

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IBI Benchmarking Analytics: How Do FMLA Bonding Leave Outcomes Differ by State?

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Webinar Recording: Opioids, Pain and Absence: The Productivity Implications of Substance Use Among U.S. Workers

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Opioids, Pain and Absence: The Productivity Implications of Substance Use Among U.S. Workers

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Opioids, Pain and Absence: The Productivity Implications of Substance Use Among U.S. Workers - Guidance for Employers

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Costs of Delays in Reporting Workplace Injuries and Processing Worker’s Compensation Claims

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FMLA Durations by State

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The Cost of an Absence - IBI's LP method

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Extreme Temperatures and Mental Health Disability Leaves

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What’s On The Table For Stay-at-Work/Return-to-Work Strategies?

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IBI Benchmarking Analytics: Which Diagnoses Drive STD Incidence, Costs and Lost Time?

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Research Summary: What Does a Hospital Stay Really Cost?

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IBI Costs of Poor Health Infographic

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HDHP Benefit Design Considerations for Members on Specialty Medications

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Impact of Co-pay Accumulator Adjustor Programs on Specialty Drug Use

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The Productivity Burden of Migraine

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IBI Leave Management Benchmark Report: Parental Leave

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IBI Leave Management Benchmark Report: Maternity Leave

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Benchmarking Analytics: Short- And Long-Term Disability Outcomes for Mental and Behavioral Health Claim

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IBI Benchmarking - Industry Summary Sample Reports

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Are More New Fathers Taking FMLA Leave for Bonding?

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The Employer’s Role in Using Research-Based Healthcare Evidence

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IBI Leave Policy Benchmarking Presentation

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The Impact of Medication Adherence on Workplace Productivity Outcomes

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IBI Leave Management Benchmark Report: Bereavement

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IBI Presents Evidence for the Productivity Impact of Migraine

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The Health and Productivity Impact of Chronic Conditions Report: Migraine and Other Headaches

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The Tide is Turning: Changing the World of Disability Insurance

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Case Study - Comcast

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